Welcome to the D1 New Mexico tryouts for the upcoming 2025 season!
Ages and Teams
5th grade - 12th grade teams
Tryouts will be held on September 7th, 2024
Menaul High School
301 Menaul Blvd, Albuquerque, NM 87107
There will be two different tryouts: One for middle school players 5th-8th grades, and another for high school players 9th-12th grade.
Times will be announced on Wednesday, August 28th
Cost to tryout is $5. Once you make one of our teams, you will be given further information to the upcoming seasons cost.
What to bring
Bring your hoop shoes, plenty of fluids to stay hydrated, and your A+ game!!!
Frequently Asked Questions
How long after the tryouts will we know if we made the team and what team we will be on?
The coaches will deliberate and reach out to each and every participant within 7 days after the tryout.
9/7 Tryout Registration (ALL)
Tryout Information:
Tryouts will be held September 7th at Menaul High School.
301 Menaul Blvd, Albuquerque, NM 87107
9th-12th Grade Tryouts are from 9am-10:30 am
5th-9th Grade Tryouts are from 10:30am-12pm
2025 AAU Season
Welcome to the 2025 D1 New Mexico AAU season. The following information will be for the high school level teams ONLY. Pricing, schedule, tournaments, etc...