About Us
D1 New Mexico is the premiere club in the state, and one of the top AAU programs in the midwest. Having helped over 120+ student-athletes from not only New Mexico, but also Arizona, Colorado and Texas obtain college scholarships since 2010. The D1 Family has extended to over 19 states in the past seven years, and it's looking to become the ONLY organization with representation in all 50 states!
To contact the appropriate person, please visit the Board of Directors page under About.
D1 Family
Albuquerque, NM 87104
Malik Waters
3 months agoLatest News:
Good afternoon everyone, I hope this email finds you all well today 8/16. Just some information as we continue to build towards this upcoming season. For those registered, I would like to start purchasing flights as early as Monday of next week. If you haven't done so already, PLEASE go to the following link for Southwest Airlines and link your son with our D1 account. Simply go to the travel manager login, enter his RR# and then the company business number SWABIZ 99195935 and create your own password.
SWABIZ 99195935
Lastly, we have been given the green light by Puma the ability to acquire a club corporate jersey sponsorship. What that means is we have the ability to represent any particular business or corporation and their logos will be placed onto our jerseys for a $12000 sponsorship fee. So please, if you know of such, please send them our way and if we are able to accomplish this goal, I have a special surprise for each and every player that I am positive they will surely love!!!
I know I said lastly above, but I forgot to mention that our schedule is complete so if you go to your calendar I have listed the upcoming events and locations that we will be playing in this year. 7 of the 8 are for sure locks, but I am looking for one more tournament for the July 10-13 Live Period. As soon as I lock that in I will update the calendar and send out a message as well. Okay, now I'm done for real. Enjoy the rest of your evening and if you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to type them in the feed here or message me directly.